Hiya everyone! It’s Kekiiro, I’m here with the very first patch notes for the Newgrounds Festivals this year!
These past few years with everyone have been wonderful and it’s something that mine bestie (@Slimygoo) and I really want to continue. I hope you all will continue to be a little bit patient with us as we work to prepare this upcoming year for everyone. We have some very cool things in store. Things like a summer festival in August, or a silly little writing contest this coming spring… :3c
With that said, let’s get into it!
Announcing the Summer Festival
Today I am officially announcing that the Newgrounds Summer Festival is slated to happen during the weekend of August 25th! Just like before, the programming will start on Friday night, and close out the following Sunday. The event will be formally hosted in the Festivals Discord server - and streamed on our Youtube channel. Regardless of where you watch, you’ll be able to participate. ^-^
As in previous years, due to the range of content being featured and for the safety of users, the event Discord will continue to only be accessible to users that are 18 years of age or older. Age verification is required to join the server.
Click here to fill out the server application.
Please understand it will take us some time to get through applications. Thank you. ^-^
If you are unable to access the Discord, despair not! Our Youtube livestream will be an option at the time of the event. The chat will be monitored by staff so participation in various events will still be possible - so don’t worry about being left out. ^-^
While I already have a few panelists sorted out, Newgrounds is Everything by Everyone! If you’re looking to host a panel this year and have a super super cool and amazing idea, the time to apply is now! Just like previous years panels can be anything from community events, to workshops, a history lesson. Perhaps even a silly little dancing cat telling us all lies about the world…
Currently, I am looking for panels covering these categories:
Audio / Music!
Newgrounds History & Culture
NSFW Panels
Give me…community events…
If your panel idea does not fall into any of these categories, worry not! I still want to see them! Express yourself, be whatever you want to be! Even if that happens to be a gremlin. Do your best. ^-^ Applicants are permitted to submit more than one panel, so don’t feel too restricted.
You must be 18 years or older to host a panel.
Click here to apply to be a panelist!
The deadline for panelist applications is April 5th! This is tons of time to plan out whatever silly ideas you may have! I hope to see them all. :3c
Events & Contests
If you are interested in hosting an event or contest during the Newgrounds Summer Festival, please contact me with details via DMs.
Volunteer Staff
This has and will always be a community event! As such, it makes sense that the staffers are those from the community. We’re looking for a team of staff who can help things flow nicely. The Summer Festivals Staff Application is now currently open for volunteers! If you have experience working conventions or other such events - or even if you don’t and just want to get involved, this could be for you! As long as you have a love for Newgrounds and the community, everything will be fine. :D
The responsibilities of volunteers are varied, and can include things such as chat moderation and helping to ensure panelists are set and ready for stream time. You may even be asked to assist with a panel, such as gathering questions from the Youtube live stream during Q&A sections.
You must be 21 or older to staff the event.
Click here to apply to be staff!
The deadline for staff applications is July 30th! So you have tons of time to decide if this is really the role for you. It’s no rush - best of luck. ^-^
Summer Festival Animation Project!
Do you wanna collaborate with us on a fun little animation to open the Summer Festival?
As in the last two festivals, we will be continuing the tradition of having an opening animation. It’s something that’s fun and shows everyone together. Kinda like a big big photo but instead of a photo it’s actually a video… anyways. This project will be worked on over the summer leading into August. More details will be available to those selected. ^-^
If you’re interested, please send me a DM to state your interest with the subject “Newgrounds Summer Festival Project” alongside a few links to some of what you consider to be your best works and an indication of what you would like to contribute! (animation, backgrounds, etc.)
We’ll review what you send to see if it’ll be a good fit. Everyone is welcome to apply! Just believe in yourself. ^-^
It will take us a while to get back to those who are selected for this project. Thank you!
Gamdev Showcase
Do you have…videogame? Do you want to share it? The NG Summer Festival will be accepting applicants for a Gamedev showcase! We’re looking for titles that are along enough in development to have trailers or short gameplay demos to be shown during the event! These games can be hosted on the site or for commercial release! All are welcome, as long as it’s a game. :>
Recently released games are also good to go! So bring everything you’ve got! Unless it’s a moba. I will laugh at you. And then cry.
Games must be suitable and compliant with both the NG and Discord TOS.
NSFW games are welcome to apply as well, however these will be shown in a separate showcase during the after hours features instead.
OKAY! So that's all for these patch notes! Within the next few months I'll have something with a little more substance for you all. I hope things brings a little light to the silly plots though.
Thank you for reading. I cannot wait to see how this year unfolds. I hope to see you all there. ^-^
Or perhaps even see you next month for a silly story... :3c
Feel free to leave questions, concerns, suggestions or silly comments!